University of Minnesota

Study Synopses

These systematic summaries cover the early epidemiological studies and prevention trials, begun mainly before the mid-1970s. Submissions are welcome of other relevant study descriptions from that early period, along with additions or corrections to existing summaries.

References to the defining publication of each of these early studies are found in table form by clicking here.

Search Results

You refined the results by the following criteria:

  • Study Category: The Cohort Studies (1947-1972)
Title Year(s) Principal Investigator
Alameda County Study 1964 Breslow, Lester
Albany Cardiovascular Health Center Study 1953 - 1981 Doyle, Joseph
Belgian Bank Study 1964 Kornitzer, Marcel
Bogalusa Heart Study 1972 Berenson, Gerald
British Doctors Study 1951 - 2001 Doll, Richard
Busselton Heart Study 1966 Welborn, T.A.
California Longshoremen Study 1951 - 1973 Paffenbarger, Jr., Ralph
Charleston Heart Study 1960 Boyle, Jr., Edwin
Chicago Heart Association Detection Project in Industry 1967 Stamler, Jeremiah
Chicago Peoples Gas Company Study 1958 Stamler, Jeremiah
Chicago Western Electric Study 1957 Paul, Oglesby
Cooperative Study of Lipoproteins and Atherosclerosis 1952 Cooperative Lipoprotein Study Group
DuPont Company Study 1956 Pell, Sydney
Evans County Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Study 1960 - 1995 Hames, Curtis
Finnish Social Insurance Institution Study 1966 Aromaa, A.
Framingham Heart Study 1948 Dawber, T. Royle
Glostrup Study 1964 Hagerup, L.M.
Goteborg Study of Men Born in 1913 1963 Tibblin, Gösta
Harvard Alumni Study 1962 Paffenbarger, Jr., Ralph
Helsinki Policemen Study 1966 Pyörälä, Kalevi
Hisayama Study 1961 Sadoshima, S.
Honolulu Heart Study 1965 Kagan, Abraham
Israel Ischemic Heart Disease Study 1963 Goldbourt, Uri
Lipid Research Clinics (LRC) Program Prevalence Study 1973 The Lipid Research Clinics Program Epidemiology Committee
London Transport Workers Study 1949 - 1952 Morris, Jeremy
Los Angeles Heart Study 1949 Chapman, J.
Malmö Study 1970 Lannerstad, O.
Minnesota Business and Professional Men’s Study 1947 - 1983 Keys, Ancel
Muscatine Study 1971 Lauer, Ronald M.
NiHonSan Study 1965 NIHONSAN Study Group
Olmsted County Study 1965 Connolly, Daniel C.
Osaka Medical Center Study 1956 Komachi, Yoshio
Paris Prospective Study 1967 - 1975 Richard, Jacques
Puerto Rico Cardiovascular Disease Study 1965 Garcia-Palmieri, M.R.
Renfew/Paisley (Midspan) Study 1972 Hawthorne, Victor
Seal Beach Study 1964 Cutler, J.
Seven Countries Study 1957 Keys, Ancel
Stockholm Study 1961 Carlson, L.A.
Tecumseh Community Health Study 1959 - 1973 Epstein, Frederick
U.S. Railroad Study 1957 Taylor, Henry Longstreet
Western Collaborative Group Study 1960 R.H. Rosenman was P-I for the incidence study (1960-1969). D.R. Ragland and R.J.Brand were the P-I's for the mortality study (1982-1983).
Whitehall I 1967 Marmot, Michael
Whitehall II 1987 Marmot, Michael
Yugoslavia Cardiovascular Disease Study 1964 Kozarevic, D.