University of Minnesota

Uri Goldbourt, PhD

Born: 1939

Goldbourt is Chair of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine at the Tel Aviv University Sackler Medical School, where he also received his education. He is a long term investigator of CVD risk in Israeli populations, especially the Israeli Ischemic Heart Disease Study, and lipid trials. His particular interests include lipid metabolism and therapy, diet, metabolic syndrome, hypertension and physical fitness in both primary and secondary prevention. He has exploited knowledge from the variations among cultures of Jewish immigrants.

Goldbourt is at the core of epidemiological and prevention trial analysis and training in Israel, and he contributes widely to epidemiological methods including analysis of disease clusters. Like his epidemiological U.S. counterpart, Ralph Paffenbarger, he is a competitive distance runner. (HB)


Oral history with Milton Nichaman, August 21, 2002.

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