University of Minnesota


Reflection and perspective are invited, collected, and presented here about the causes, care, control, prevention, epidemiology, and public policy of heart attacks.

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  • Essay Category: Institutions-Reports
Title Category
University-Industry Relations: Academic freedom or academic license? Institutions-Reports
World Health Organization (WHO) Cardiovascular Disease Unit. 1959-1990 Institutions-Reports
The Emergence of Institutions and a Community for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Prevention Institutions-Reports
The 1937 U.S. National Cancer Act: critical precedent for heart disease research Institutions-Reports
The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in CVD Prevention Institutions-Reports
Report of the Ad Hoc Panel on Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease 1969 Institutions-Reports
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Joseph Mountin Institutions-Reports
Zdenek Fejfar on the WHO Cardiovascular Diseases Unit in Geneva Institutions-Reports
The Medical Research Council (MRC) and CVD Epidemiology in the UK Institutions-Reports
The International Society of Cardiology (ISC) and CVD Epidemiology Institutions-Reports
The Minnesota Symposium on Arteriosclerosis, September 7-9, 1955 Institutions-Reports
HUAC invades CVD Epidemiology: Stamler v. Willis, 1965 Institutions-Reports
The First Authoritative Recommendations on Arteriosclerosis 1958 Institutions-Reports
Early Prevention Message: ‘Your heart has nine lives. Nine steps toheart health.’ 1963. Pocket Books, New York. Institutions-Reports
The 1937 National Cancer Act: precedent for the 1948 National Heart Act Institutions-Reports
AHA Ancel Keys Lecturers Institutions-Reports
AHA Pooling Project: To Pool or not to Pool Institutions-Reports
European Society of Cardiology: Epidemiology and Prevention Institutions-Reports
Hypertension & Coronary Disease, WHO TR Series #168, Geneva 1959 Institutions-Reports
American Heart Association Nutrition Committee History Institutions-Reports
The United States National Heart Act Institutions-Reports
CDC/NIH Lipid Standardization Laboratory Institutions-Reports
Ancel Keys on the Mission of the Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene, 1945 Institutions-Reports
Early Academic Program at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Institutions-Reports
A Transition from the Early to the Modern Era of CVD Epidemiology: ‘The Pause,’ 1968 to 1972 Institutions-Reports
Millicent Higgins on NHLBI Institutions-Reports
Second National Conference on CVD 1964 Institutions-Reports
First National Conference on CVD 1950 Institutions-Reports
Center for Science in the Public Interest: M. Jacobson Seminar, 2001 Institutions-Reports
CVD Epidemiology Takes Mainstage, 1954 Institutions-Reports
The ‘Great Leap’ post-war of CVD Epidemiology to and within Europe Institutions-Reports
The USPHS Heart Disease and Stroke Control Program Institutions-Reports
Founding of the National Heart Institute’s Advisory Council, 1948 Institutions-Reports
The Inter-Society Commission for Heart Disease Resources Institutions-Reports
Mary Lasker on the National Heart Act Institutions-Reports
Optimal Blood Lipid Levels: An International Report Institutions-Reports
The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Institutions-Reports