Darwin Labarthe, MD, MPH, PhD
Born: 1939
Dr. Labarthe was born in Berkeley, California and educated at Princeton University, receiving his MD from Columbia University and MPH and PhD in epidemiology from the University of California at Berkeley, with subsequent training in preventive medicine. He worked with Reuel Stallones and Dwayne Reed while at Berkeley and in the Heart Disease and Stroke Control Program of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare from 1967-1970, then was professor of epidemiology for 25 years at the University of Texas Houston and is currently Acting Director of the Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention of Centers for Disease Control.
Labarthe’s research contributions have focused on hypertension and on the evolution of CVD risk characteristics during adolescence. He has directed training programs in the United States and internationally for many years in both the International and North American 10-Day Seminars in CVD Epidemiology and Prevention, preparing many hundreds of young CVD investigators for broad careers in epidemiology, public health, and preventive cardiology. His lectures are appreciated as classics: rounded, scholarly, and literate, and he has authored the major academic text in CVD Epidemiology: Epidemiology and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases: A Global Challenge (1998).
In the second generation of CVD epidemiological investigators, Darwin Labarthe has been its leading scholar and diplomat, evolving through investigation to academic direction to the forefront of national and international public health policy and program. He is central as well to development of this history of CVD prevention research. (HB)
University of South Florida, Public Health Week-2005, retrieved April 29, 2006.
Henry Blackburn