University of Minnesota

Landmarks in CVD Prevention Research

This tentative, in-progress list contains a few of the many articles and books that have influenced the field of CVD prevention. Additional suggestions are welcomed.

Download available here: Classics in CVD Epidemiology

CVD Epidemiology and Prevention ‘Classics’

Ainsworth, B. E., W. L. Haskell, M. C. Whitt, M. L. Irwin, A. M. Scwartz, S. J. Strath, W. L. O1Brien, et al. “Compendium of Physical Activities: An Update of Activity Codes and MET Intensities.” Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise supp, (2000): 498-516.

American Heart Association. “Council Letter.” (Summer 1964).

———. . Diet and Heart Disease (Dallas), 1968.

American Heart Association. Diet and Coronary Heart Disease. Dallas, TX, 1978.

Arnott, W. M. “A Problem in Tropical Cardiology.” British Medical Journal 2, (1959): 1273-1277.

Berenson, G. S., ed. Causation of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Children: Perspectives on Cardiovascular Risk in Early Life. New York: Raven Press, 1986.

Blackburn, H. On the Trail of Heart Attacks in Seven Countries. Middleborough, MA: Country Press, Inc., 1995.

Blackburn H, Keys A, Simonson E, Rautaharju P, Punsar S:  The electrocardiogram in  population studies. A classification system.  Circulation 21:1160, 1960.

Bronte-Stewart, B., A. Keys, J.F. Brock, A. D. Moodie, M.H. Keys, A. Antonis. “Serum-Cholesterol, Diet, and Coronary Heart-Disease.” The Lancet 116, (1955): 1103-1108.

Brozek, J., R. Buzina, F. Mikic,. “Population Studies on Serum Cholesterol and Dietary at in Yugoslavia.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 5, no. 3 (1957): 279-285.

Cassel, J. C. “The Contribution of the Social Environment to Host Resistance. the Fourth Wade Hampton FrostLecture. 1976.” American Journal of Epidemiology 141, no. 9 (May 1, 1995): 798-814; discussion 797.

Central Committee for Medical and Community Program of the American Heart Association. “Dietary Fat and its Relation to Heart Attacks and Strokes.” Circulation 23, (1961): 133.

Conrad, F. G., N.O. Rothermich. “A Clinicopathological Study of Acute Myocardial Infarction and the Role of Anticoagulation Therapy.” Archives of Internal Medicine 103, (1959): 421-435.

Cooper, T. “Arteriosclerosis. Policy, Polity, and Parity.” Circulation 45, no. 2 (1972): 433-440.

Cooperative Study of Lipoproteins and Atherosclerosis and J. W. Gofman. “Evaluation of Serum Lipoprotein and Cholesterol Measurements as Predictors of Clinical Complications of Atherosclerosis: Report of a Cooperative Study of Lipoproteins and Atherosclerosis.” Circulation 14, no. 4 (part II) (1956): 691-742.

Dawber, T. R. The Framingham Study: The Epidemiology of Atherosclerotic Disease. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1980.

Dawber, T. R., Meadors GF, and F. E. Moore. “Epidemiological Approaches to Heart Disease: The Framingham Study.” American Journal of Public Health 41, (1951): 279-286.

Dawber, T. R., F. E. Moore, and G. V. Mann. “Coronary Heart Disease in the Framingham Study II.” American Journal of Public Health 47, (1957): 4-24.

de Langen, C. D. “[the Significance of Geographic Pathology for the Race Problem in Medicine].” Geneeskundig Tijdschrift Voor Nederlandsch-Indie 73, no. 17 (1933): 1026-1044.

———. “Bloeddrukziekte En Voeding in Indie [Blood Pressure Disease and Nutrition in the Dutch Indies].” Nederlandsch Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde 77, (1933): 147-152.

———. “Cholesterine-Stofwisseling En Rassenpathologie.” Geneeskundig Tijdschrift Voor Nederlansch-Indie 56, (1916): 1-34.

———. “Clinical Arteriosclerosis in JAVA.” Mededeelingen Van Den Dienst Der Volksgezondheid in Nederlandsch- Indie 24, no. 1 (1935): 1-8.

———. “Echanges Cholesteriniques Et Pathologie De La Race.” Presse Medicale 17, (1916): 332-333.
———. “Het Cholesterinegehalte Van Het Bloed in Indie.” Geneeskundig Tijdschrift Voor Nederlansch-Indie 62, (1922): 1-4.

de Langen, C. D. and Lichtenstein A. A Clinical Text-Book of Tropical Medicine. First English Edition ed. Vol. 1. Amsterdam: G. Kolff & Co, 1936.

Doll, R. “A Study of the Aetiology of Carcinoma of the Lung.” British Medical Journal 2, no. 4797 (1952): 1271-1286.

Doll, R. and A. B. Hill. “The Mortality of Doctors in Relation to their Smoking Habits. A Preliminary Report.” British Medical Journal 1, no. 4877 (1954): 1451-1455.

Faergeman, O. Coronary Artery Disease: Genes, Drugs and the Agricultural Connection. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2003.

Feinstein, A. R. “Current Problems and Future Challenges in Randomized Clinical Trials.” Circulation 70, no. 5 (1984): 767.

Freis, E. D. “Salt, Volume and the Prevention of Hypertension.” Circulation 53, (1976): 589-595.

Garn, S. M., M. M. Gertler, Levine SA, and P. D. White. “Body Weight Versus Weight Standards in Coronary Artery Disease and a Healthy Group.” Annals of Internal Medicine 34, (1951): 1416-1420.

Gofman, J. W. Coronary Heart Disease. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1959.

Goldstein, J. L. and M. S. Brown. “Cholesterol: A Century of Research.” Howard Hughes Medical Institute Bulletin 16, no. 3 (2003): 18-19.

Gould, S.E., L.P. Cawley,. “Unsuspected Healed Myocardial Infarction in Patients Dying in a General Hospital.” Archives of Internal Medicine 101, (1958): 524-526.

Groen, J. J. et al. “The Influence of Diet and Lifestyle on Health Status, Serum
Cholesterol and the Occurrence of Atherosclerosis and Coronary- Thrombosis
in Trappists and Benedictines. (in Dutch).” Nederl Tijdschr Geneesk 105, (1961): 222-33.

Groen, J. J., B. K. Tjiong, M. Koster, A. F. Willebrands, G. Verdonck, and M. Pierloot. “The Influence of Nutrition and Ways of Life on Blood Cholesterol and the Prevalence of Hypertension and Coronary Heart Disease among Trappist and Benedictine Monks.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 10, (Jun, 1962): 456-470.

  1. Mildred McIntyre and Carol L. Betson. “
Unified Approach to Heart Disease: Inter-Society Commission for Heart Disease Resources.” The American Journal of Nursing 71, no. 12 (December 1971, 1971): 2369-2374.

Hill, A. B. “The Clinical Trial.” Bristish Medical Journal no. Bulletin 7 (1951): 278.

Intersalt Cooperative Research Group. “Intersalt: An International Study of Electrolyte Excretion and Blood Pressure. Results for 24 Hour Urinary Sodium and Potassium Excretion.” British Medical Journal 297, (1988): 319-328.

Inter-Society Commission for Heart Disease Resources. “Primary Prevention of the Atherosclerotic Diseases, Report of Inter-Society Commission for Heart Disease Resources.” Circulation 42, no. 6 (1970): A55-95.

Joliffe, N., S.H Rinzler, M. Archer. “The Anti-Coronary Club; Including a Discussion of the Effects of a Prudent Diet on the Serum Cholesterol Level of Middle-Aged Men.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 7, (1959): 451-462.

Kagan, A. The Honolulu Heart Program: An Epidemiological Study of Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke, edited by Kagan, A. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1996.

Kahn, H. A. “The Relationship of Reported Coronary Heart Disease Mortality to Physical Activity of Work.” American Journal of Public Health 53, (1963): 1058-1067.

Kallner, G. and J. J. Groen. “Mortality from Coronary (Arteriosclerotic) Heart Disease and Cerebrovascular Accidents among Eastern Immigrants in Israel.” Journal of Chronic Diseases 21, (1968): 25-35.

Kannel, W. B., T. R. Dawber, A. Kagan, N. Revotski, and J. Stokes III. “Factors of Risk in the Development of Coronary Heart Disease – Six Year Follow-Up Experience. the Framingham Study.” Annals of Internal Medicine 55, (1961): 33-50.

Kannel, W.B., T. Gordon, ed. Some Characteristics Related to the Incidence of Cardiovascular Disease and Death. Framingham Study, 16-Year Follow-Up. Vol. Section 26. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970.

Kannel, W. B., W. P. Castelli, T. Gordon, and P. M. McNamara. “Serum Cholesterol, Lipoproteins and the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease: The Framingham Study.” Annals of Internal Medicine 74, (1971): 1.

Kannel, W. B., T. R. Dawber, A. Kagan, Revotskie N, and Stokes J. “Factors of Risk in the Development of Coronary Heart Disease – Six-Year Follow-Up Experience. the Framingham Study.” Annals of Internal Medicine 55, (1961): 33-50.

Kannel, W. B., J. T. Doyle, A. M. Ostfeld, C. D. Jenkins, L. H. Kuller, R. N. Podell, and J. Stamler. “Optimal Resources for Primary Prevention of Atherosclerotic Diseases.” Circulation 70, (1984): 155A-205A.

Kare, M.R., M.J. Fregly, and R.A. Bernard, ed. Biological and Behavioral Aspects of Salt Intake. New York City, New York: Academic Press, Inc., 1980.

Karvonen, M., E. Orma, A. Keys, F. Fidanza, and J. Brozek. “Cigarette Smoking, Serum-Cholesterol, Blood-Pressure, and Body Fatness Observations in Finland.” Lancet (1959): 492-494.

Karvonen, Martti, Orma, Esko, Keys, Ancel, Fidanza, Flaminio. “Cigarette Smoking, Serum-Cholesterol, Blood- Pressure and Body Fatness: Observations in Finland.” The Lancet (1959).

Kato, H., J. Tillotson, M.Z. Nichaman, G.G. Rhoads, and H.B. Hamilton. “Epidemiologic Studies of Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke in Japanese Men Living in Japan, Hawaii, and California. Serum Lipids and Diet.” American Journal of Epidemiology 97, no. 372 (1973).

Kattwinkel, E.E., V.A. Getting, E.M. Morris, W.J. Zukel. “A Community Heart Program: Report of Three Years’ Experience.” New England Journal of Medicine 245, no. 16 (1951): 595-598.

Katz, L.N. and J. Stamler. Experimental Atherosclerosis. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1953.
Keen, H., G. Rose, DA Pyke, D. Boyns, C. Chlouverakis, and S. Mistry. “Blood Sugar and Arterial Disease.” Lancet 2, (1965): 505-508.

Kesteloot, H. “All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality Worldwide: Lessons from Geopathology.” Journal of Cardiology 37, (2001): 1-14.

Kesteloot, H. and J. V. Joossens, eds. Epidemiology of Arterial Blood Pressure. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1980.

Keys, A. Adventures of a Medical Scientist: Sixty Years of Research in Thirteen Countries. Memphis, TN: Crown Printing, Inc., 1999.

———. “The Cholesterol Problem.” Voeding 13, (1952): 539-555.

———. Coronary Heart Disease in Seven Countries. New York: American Heart Association, 1970.

———. “Diet and the Epidemiology of Coronary Heart Disease.” Journal of the American Medical Association 164, (1957): 1912-1919.

———. LEtters from the CVD History Archive, Division of Epidemiology. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota:. ———. “Mode of Life and the Development of Heart Disease: Research for a Preventive Hygiene.” Chicago Heart Association Bulletin 26, (1948): 3-6.

———. “Seven Countries.” In , 1-381. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1980.

Keys, A. and P. D. White, ed. Cardiovascular Epidemiology. Selected Papers from the Second World Congree of Cardiology and Twenty-Seventh Annual Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association. New York: Hoeber-Harper, 1956.

Keys, A. ed. “Coronary Disease in Seven Countries.” Circulation 41, no. Suppl. 1 (1970): 1-211.

Keys, A. et al. The Biology of Human Starvation. Vol. vol. 1 and 2. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press,1950.

———. Seven Countries: A Multivariate Analysis of Death and Coronary Heart Disease. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1980.

Keys, A., J.T. Anderson, and F. Grande. “Prediction of Serum-Cholesterol Responses of Man to Changes in Fats in the Diet.” Lancet 273, (1957): 959-966.

Keys, A., C. Aravanis, H. Blackburn, F. S. P. van Buchem, R. Buzina, B. S. Djordjevic, A. Dontas, F. Fidanza, M. Karvonen, N. Kimura, D. Lekos, M. Monti, V. Puddu, and H. Taylor. “Epidemiological Studies Related to Coronary Heart Disease: Characteristics of Men Aged 40-59 in Seven Countries.” Acta Medica Scandinavica 460, no. Suppl. 180 (1967): 1-392.

Keys, A., J.T. Anderson, and F. Grande. “Serum Cholesterol Response to Changes in the Diet. II. the Effect of Cholesterol in the Diet.” Metabolism 14, (1965): 759.

Keys, A., M.J. Karvonen, F. Fidanza. “Serum-Cholesterol Studies in Finland.” The Lancet (1958): 175-178.

Keys, A., N. Kimura, A. Kusukawa, M. Yoshitomi. “Serum Cholesterol in Japanese Coal Miners. A Dietary Experiment.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 5, no. 3 (1957): 245-250.

Keys, A., J. T. Anderson, and F. Grande. “Prediction of Serum-Cholesterol Responses of Man to Changes in Fats in the Diet.” Lancet 273, (1957): 959-966.

Keys, A., C. Aravanis, H. Blackburn, F. S. P. van Buchem, R. Buzina, B. S. Djordjevic, A. S. Dontas, et al. Epidemiological Studies Related to Coronary Heart Disease: Characteristics of Men Aged 40-59 in Seven Countries. Tampere, Finland: Hameen Kirjapaino Oy, 1966.

Keys, A., L. N. Katz, J. W. Gofman, and E. V. Allen. “Atherosclerosis: A Symposium, Introduction.” Circulation 5, (1952): 98.

Keys, A. and M. H. Keys. Eat Well & Stay Well. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1959.

Keys, A. and P. D. White, eds. Cardiovascular Epidemiology: Selected Papers from the Second World Congress of Cardiology and Twenty-Seventh Annual Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association. New York: Hoeber-Harper, 1956.

Klatsky, A. L., G. D. Friedman, and AB Siegelaub. “Alcohol use and Cardiovascular Disease: The Kaiser-Permanente Experience.” Circulation 64(suppl III), (1981): III-32-III-41.

Korotkov, NS. “A Contribution to the Problem of Methods for the Determination of Blood Pressure (English Translation).” In Classics in Arterial Hypertension, edited by Ruskin, A., 127-133. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1956.

Korotkow, N. “[Note on the Ausculatory Method of Blood Pressure Determination].” Ber. Milit. Ärztl. Akad. (St Petersburg) 12, (1905): 395.

Kromhout, D., A. Menotti, and H. Blackburn. Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, 2002.

———. Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease: Diet, Lifestyle and Risk Factors in the Seven Countries Study. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.

Kuller, L. H. “Sudden Death in Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease. The Case for Preventive Medicine.” American Journal of Cardiology 24, no. 5 (1969): 617-628.

Kushi, LH, Lew, RA, Stare, FJ, Ellison, CR, el Lozy, M, Bourke, G, Daly, L, Graham, I, Hickey, N., Mulcahy, R, Kevaney, J. “Diet and 20-Year Mortality from Coronary Heart Disease: The Ireland-Boston Diet-Heart Study.” The New England Journal of Medicine 312, no. 13 (1985): 811-817.

Labarthe, D. R. “Ten-Day Seminars in CVD Epidemiology and Prevention.” Cardiovascular Disease Prevention 1, (1998): 156-163.

Lancisi, G. M. De Subitaneis Mortibus (on Sudden Death), edited by Translated by: A.V. Boursy and P.D. White. New York: St. John’s University Press, 1971.

Lasker, Mary. “196201982. Interview by John T. Mason, Jr. Notable New Yorkers.” Columbia University Libraries Oral History Research Office,

Leary, T. “Atherosclerosis, the Important Form of Arteriosclerosis, a Metabolic Disease.” Journal of the American Medical Association 105, (1935): 475-481.

Lee, K. T., W.A Thomas. “Factors Associated with Changing Sex Ratio of Myocardial Infarction.” Archives of Internal Medicine 98, (1956): 80-83.

Lemoine, G. On the Role of Cholesterol in the Development of Arteriosclerosis and the Atheroma. Paris: Vigot Frères, 1911.

Lemoine, G. Du Role De La Cholesterine Dans Le Developpement De L’Arterio-Sclerose Et De l’Atherome. Paris: Vigot Freres, 1911.

Leren, P. “The Effect of Plasma Cholesterol Lowering Diet in Male Survivors of Myocardial Infarction. A Controlled Clinical Trial.” Acta Medica Scandinavica 466 (suppl), (1966): 1-92.

Levy, RL, P. D. White, WD Stroud, and CC Hillman. “Sustained Hypertension: Predisposing Factors and Causes of Disability and Death.” Journal of the American Medical Association 135, (1947): 77-80.

Lewis, T. Diseases of the Heart Described for Practitioners and Students. New York: MacMillan Company, 1936.

Liebowitz, JO. The History of Coronary Heart Disease. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1970.

Liu, K. J. Stamler, A. Dyer, J. McKeever, and P. McKeever. “Statistical Methods to Assess and Minimize the Role of Intra-Individual Variability in Obscuring the Relationship between Dietary Lipids and Serum Cholesterol.” Journal of Chronic Diseases 31, no. 399 (1978).

London School of Hygiene & tropical Medicine Web site. “London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Web Site.” ,

Louis Harris and Associates, Inc. The Public and High Blood Pressure: A Survey Conducted for the National Heart and Lung Institute. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1973.

Malmros, H. “The Relation of Nutrition to Health. A Statistical Study of the Effect of the War-Time on Arteriosclerosis, Cardiosclerosis, Tuberculosis and Diabetes.” Acta Medica Scandinavica Supplementum 246, (1950): 137-153.

Mann, G. “Lack of Effect of a High Fat Intake on
Serum Lipid Levels.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1955): 230-233.

Mann, G. V. “Diet-Heart: End of an Era.” New England Journal of Medicine 297, (1977): 644-650.

Marmot M. “Facts, Opinions and Affaires Du Coeur.” American Journal of Epidemiology 106, no. 6 (1976): 519-26.

Marmot M, Winkelstein W. “Epidemiologic Observations on Intervention Trials for Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease” American Journal of Epidemiology 101, no. 3 (1975): 177-1780181.

Marmot, M. G., A. M. Adelstein, N. Robinson, and G. Rose. “Changing Social-Class Distribution of Heart Disease.”British Medical Journal 2, (1978): 1109-1112.

Marmot, M. G., S. L. Syme, A. Kagan, H. Kato, J. B. Cohen, and J. L. Belsky. “Epidemiologic Studies of Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke in Japanese Men Living in Japan, Hawaii and California: Prevalence of Coronary and Hypertensive Heart Disease and Associated Risk Factors.” American Journal of Epidemiology 102, no. 6 (1975): 514-525.

Martin, MJ, SB Hulley, W. S. Browner, L. H. Kuller, and et al. “Serum Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, and Mortality: Implications from a Cohort of 361,622 Men.” Lancet 2, (1986): 933-936.

Master, A. and E. Oppenheimer. “A Simple Exercise Tolerance Test for Circulatory Efficiency with Standard Tables for Normal Individuals.” American Journal of Medical Science 177, (1929): 223-242.

McGee, DL, Reed, DM, Yano, K, Kagan, A, Tillotson, J. “Ten-Year Incidence of Coronary Heart Disease in the Honolulu Heart Program.” American Journal of Epidemiology 119, no. 5 (1984): 667-676.

McGee, Daniel and T. Gordon. The Framingham Study: An Epidemiological Investigation of Cardiovascular Disease: Section 31: The Results of the Framingham Study Applied to Four Other U.S.-Based Epidemiologic Studies of Cardiovascular Disease. Washington, D.C.: US Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, 1976.

McGill, H. C. “Atherosclerosis: Problems in Pathogenesis.” Atherosclerosis Review 2, (1977): 27-57.

McMichael, J. “Fats and Atheroma–an Inquest.” British Medical Journal 1, (1979): 173-175.

McMichael, John. “Fats and Atheroma: An Inquest.” British Medical Journal 1, no. 6157 (1979): 173-175.

———. “French Wine and Death Certificates.” Lancet 1, no. 8127 (1979): 1186-1187.

Medical Research Council. “Controlled Trial of Soya-Bean Oil in Myocardial Infaction.” Lancet 2, (1968): 693-700.

Meinert, C. L. “Clinical Trials: Design, Conduct and Anlysis. .” (1986).

Minnesota Heart Association. Arteriosclerosis: A Symposium Presented by the Minnesota Heart Association and the University of Minnesota, September 7, 8, and 9, 1955. St. Paul, Minnesota: Minnesota Heart Association, 1956.

Moriyama IM, Krueger DE,Stamler J. Cardiovascular Diseases in the United States. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1971.

Morris, J., J. A. Heady, P. A. Raffle, C. G. Roberts, and J. W. Parks. “Coronary Heart Disease and Physcial Activity of Work.” Lancet 265, (1953): 1111-1120.

Morris, J. N. Uses of Epidemiology. Edinburgh: Livingstone, 1957.

Morris, J.N. and M.D. Crawford. “Coronary Heart Disease and Physcial Activity of Work: Evidence of a National Necropsy Study.” British Medical Journal 2, (1958): 1485-1496.

Morris, J. N., J. A. Heady, Raffle PAB, Roberts CG, and Parks JW. “Coronary Heart-Disease and Physical Activity of Work.” The Lancet 265, no. 6795 (1953): 1053-1057.

Multiple authors. “Measuring the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Adult Population Groups: A Symposium.”American Journal of Public Health 47, (1957): 1-63.

Myasnikov, AL. “Influence of some Factors on the Development of Experimental Cholesterol Atherosclerosis.” Circulation 17, (1958): 99-113.

National Diet-Heart Study Research Group. The National Diet-Heart Study Final Report. American Heart Association Monograph No. 18. ed. New York, NY: American Heart Association, Inc., 1968.

National Heart Institute Diet-Heart Review Panel. Mass Field Trials of the Diet-Heart Question: Their Significance, Timeliness, Feasibility, and Applicability; an Assessment of Seven Proposed Experimental Designs. American Heart Association Monograph. no. 28. New York: American Heart Association, 1969.

Nutrition Committee of the American Heart Association. Diet and Coronary Heart Disease. Dallas: American Heart Association, 1978.

Oberman, Albert, Norman E. Lane, Robert E. Mitchell, and Ashton Graybiel. The Thousand Aviator Study: Distributions and Intercorrelations of Selected Variables. Pensacola, FL: US Naval Aviation Medical Center, 1965.

Oliver, M. F. “Review Article: Pioneer Research in Britain into Atherosclerosis and Coronary Heart Disease – an Historical Review.” Atherosclerosis 150, no. 2000 (2000): 1-12.

———. “Serum-Cholesterol the Knave of Hearts and the Joker.” Lancet 2, (1981): 1090-1095.
Oliver, M. F. and G. S. Boyd. “Serum Lipoprotein Patterns in Coronary Sclerosis and Associated Conditions.” British Heart Journal 30, (1955): 410-413.

Omran, A. R. “The Epidemiologic Tranistion: A Theory of the Epidemiology of the Population Change.” Bulletin ofthe Wrold Health Organization 79, no. 2 (1971): 161-170.

Oppenheimer, G. M. “Profiling Risk: The Emergence of Coronary Heart Disease Epidemiology in the United States (1947-70).” International Journal of Epidemiology 35, no. 720-730 (2006).

Paffenbarger, R. S. and RT Hyde. “Exercise in the Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease.” Preventive Medicine 13, (1984): 3-22.

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Pell, S. and C. A. D’Alonzo. “A Three-Year Study of Myocardial Infaction in a Large Employed Population.” Journal of the American Medical Association 175, no. 6 (1961): 139-146.

Physicians’ Heart Study. “Final Report of the Aspirin Component of the Ongoing Physicians’ Health Study.” New England Journal of Medicine 321, (1989): 129-135.

Pickering, George W. The Nature of Essential Hypertension. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1961.

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Reiser, R. “Oversimplification of Diet: Coronary Heart Disease Relationships and Exaggerated Diet Recommendations.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 31, no. 865 (1978).

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Roine, P., M. Pekkarinen, M.J. Karvonen, J. Kihlberg. “Diet and Cardiovascular Disease in Finland.” The Lancet (1958): 173-175.

Rose, G. “Standardization of Observers in Blood Pressure Measurement.” Lancet 1, no. 7387 (1965): 673-674.
Rose, G. “Strategy of Prevention: Lessons from Cardiovascular Disease.” British Medical Journal 282, (1981): 1847-1851.

———. The Strategy of Preventive Medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.

Rose GA, Blackburn H:  Cardiovascular Survey Methods.  WHO Monograph Series No. 56, WHO Press, Geneva, 1968.

Rose, G., WB Thompson, and RT Williams. “Corn Oil in Treatment of Ischaemic Heart Disease.” British Medical Journal 1, (1965): 1531-1533.

Rosenthal, Sol Roy. “Studies in Atherosclerosis: Chemical, Experimental and Morphologic
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Ryle, J. A. and W. T. Russell. “The Natural History of Coronary Disease: A Clinical and Epidemiological Study.” British Heart Journal 11, (1949): 370-389.

Sasaki, S., X. -H Zhang, and H. Kesteloot. “Dietary Sodium, Potassium, Saturated Fat, Alcohol, and Stroke Mortality.” Stroke 26, no. 5 (1995): 783-789.

Schettler, G. “Cardiovascular Diseases during and After World War II: A Comparison of the Federal Republic of Germanhy with Other European Countries.” Preventative Medicine 8, no. 5 (1979): 581-590.

Schornagel, H. E. “The Connection between Nutrition and Mortality from Coronary Sclerosis during and After World War II.” Docum. Med. Geogr. Trop. 5, (1953): 173-183.

Schrire, V. “The Racial Incidence of Heart Disease at Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town. Part I. Coronary Vascular Disease.” American Heart Journal 56, no. 2 (1958): 280-290.

Schwartz, D. and J. Lellouch. “Explanatory and Pragmatic Attitudes in Therapeutic Trials.” Journal of Chronic Diseases 20, (1967): 637-648.

Shaper, A. G., S. J. Pocock, M. Walker, N. M. Cohen, C. J. Wale, and AG Thomson. “British Regional Heart Study: Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Middle Aged Men in 24 Towns.” British Medical Journal 283, (1981): 179-186.

Shapiro, S., E. Weinblatt, C.W. Rank, R.V. Sugar. “The HIP Study of Incidence and Prognosis of Coronary Heart Disease.” Journal of Chronic Diseases 18, (1965): 527-532.

Shekell, RB, MacMillan Shryock, A, Paul, O, Lepper, M, Stamler, J, Liu, S, Raynor, WJ. “Diet, Serum Cholesterol, and Death from Coronary Heart Disease: The Western Electric Study.” New England Journal of Medicine 304, (1981): 65-70.

SInclair, H. M. “Deficiency of Essential Fatty Acids and Atherosclerosis Etcetera.” Lancet 1, (1956): 381-3.

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