Jozef Victor Joossens, MD, DrPH
1915 — 2011

Joossens was a pioneer of non-communicable disease epidemiology, particularly noted for his penetrating analyses of mortality trends and his perceptions of the relationships among stroke, gastric cancer, diet and salt intake.
He received his MD from Leuven University in 1939 and a DrPH in 1942 and long practiced medicine and cardiology at the St. Raphael Hospital. He consulted for the World Health Organization and pursued hobbies in mountaineering, photography, and raising of topical orchids. In retirement, Professor Joossens remained active in the Department of Epidemiology of the University of Leuven until the end of his life. (HB)
Marquis Who’s Who on the Web. ‘Jozef Joossens’. Available from:
[Accessed 2 January 2007].