University of Minnesota

Ancel Keys 1953 correspondence

Cover letter to Mt. Sinai re lecture to be given by Ancel Keys on January 7, 1953 before a small audience. It became the classics paper:

Keys, Ancel.“Atherosclerosis: a problem in newer public health.” J Mt Sinai Hosp 20, (1953): 118-39.

Dr. Eli Moschcowitz

25 West 68th St. NY 23,NY

Dear Dr.Moschcowitz:

Your letter dated February 25 [1952] finally reached me by the devious route: St. Paul-Minneapolis-Oxford-Naples-Oxford. We are just back from a month’s work at Naples and expect to spend May doing research in Madrid.

It is with pleasure that I feel able to accept the invitation to deliver a lecture at the Mount Sinai Hospital in the coming winter. Something to do with atherosclerosis would appeal to me as suitable for the topic and the title might be: Atherosclerosis, a Problem in a Newer Public Health.”

. . . During the current year I am on Sabbatical leave with a Fulbright Senior Research Award, attached to Magdalen College, Oxford.

Sincerely yours,

Ancel Keys

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