The 40+ years of correspondence between Howard Burchell and Frits Meijler, friends and leaders in cardiology: 1964-2006
Frits Meijler’s post-card with his “gift” of all 300-odd letters between him and Howard Burchell. Half were the original, mainly hand-written letters to him from Burchell; the other half were photocopies of all his letters to Howard, all sent between 1964 and 2006.
Frits indicates his pride to have saved 50 Euros by sending them in two segments!
They were sent with his understanding, and Burchell’s daughters’ agreement, that we would archive them properly and were likely to write and give talks about them; which Claus Pierach and I are doing. The first effort is in press in 2019 in the American Journal of Cardiology. (H Blackburn)