Robert Wissler, MD, PhD
1917 — 2006

Robert Wissler, pioneer experimental pathologist in atherosclerosis, was educated at the University of Chicago, getting his PhD in 1946 and MD in 1948, rising to department chair and becoming emeritus in 1987. He is particularly well-known for his early development of primate models of atherosclerosis, his first demonstration of regression of atheroma in primate experiments, and as director for the systematic and advanced technological study of Pathologic Determinants of Atherosclerosis in Youth (PDAY).
He led the field for a generation in hypotheses of atherogenesis, in the study of oxidized lipoproteins and apolipoproteins, and the effects of aging, inflammation, fish oils and lipid lowering drugs. He carefully followed the evolution of plaques throughout the life cycle and produced major evidence of the potential for their regression and prevention. He grasped profoundly the power of multiple disciplines in pursuit of major questions of cause and prevention in CVD. (HB)
Marquis Who’ Who [online source], accessed June 1, 2006.
Oral history with Henry Blackburn, February 15, 2001.