University of Minnesota

Erika Östör, MD

Born: 1935

Erika Östör is a pioneer in Hungarian and international CVD epidemiology, having been early involved in the WHO clofibriate prevention trial and the Hungarian arm of the Seven Countries Study. After graduating in Medicine from Semmelweis Medical School in 1959 and qualifying in internal medicine and cardiology, she served on the faculty of the Hungarian Institute of Cardiology. She was an early participant in WHO fellowships to the Epidemiology Course of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in 1965 and in the International 10-Day seminar in Singapore in 1971.

Östör has made a distinguished career in cardiology and epidemiology as head of a risk-factor clinic and as principal investigator or manager in most of the European collaborative studies on CVD prevention. She has been involved in studies from the WHO Clofibrate trial, MONICA surveillance, both the Glostrup and the Copenhagen City Studies when her husband George Lamm was assigned to WHO Copenhagen, INJECT, and EUROASPIRE, all the way to the current studies, ATLAS and MERLIN-TIMI-36. (HB)