Resource: Children’s Healthy Weight Collaborative Improvement & Innovation Network

The Children’s Healthy Weight Collaborative Improvement & Innovation Network (CoIIN), is  designed to support Title V programs to promote nutrition, physical activity and breastfeeding through collaborative learning and quality improvement practices.

In recent years, the CoIIN concept has gained traction. For the state public health nutritionists (PHNs) participating in ASPHN’s Children’s Healthy Weight CoIIN, it is a framework for success. Supported by a diverse group of national experts, these professionals are working on innovative solutions to one of the nation’s most pressing health challenges — curbing childhood obesity.

ASPHN’s Children’s Healthy Weight CoIIN is comprised of 18 state teams representing 13 states including Arkansas, California, Florida, Iowa, Indiana, Louisiana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Texas and Wisconsin. Participants are learning from one another, sharing best practices and lessons learned, and tracking their progress toward common benchmarks.

Outcomes that yield results will soon be available for easy implementation by PHNs in other states. These evidence informed policies and practices will help mothers and their children shape healthy habits for life.