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Resource: Children’s Healthy Weight Collaborative Improvement & Innovation Network

The Children’s Healthy Weight Collaborative Improvement & Innovation Network (CoIIN), is  designed to support Title V programs to promote nutrition, physical activity and breastfeeding through collaborative learning and quality improvement practices. In recent years, the CoIIN concept has gained traction. For the state public health nutritionists (PHNs) participating in ASPHN’s Children’s Healthy Weight CoIIN, it is a […]

Resource: Title V Transformation Tools

The MCH Navigator provides maternal and child health professionals competency-based learning and tools to improve the field of Maternal and Child Health.  In order to effectively address the 15 National Performance Measures (NPMs), the MCH Navigator created the Title V Transformation Tools Portal.  The portal encourages professionals to consider evidence and strategies to create change in the […]

Resource: Title V Integration Toolkit

Various states and programs have successfully used Title V data to adapt their approaches to improving the outcomes of children and families.  In order to spotlight this progress and provide examples for other states and programs, the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs (AMCHP), in collaboration with AEM corporation, created the Title V Integration […]

Resource: National Performance Measure 5 Safe Sleep–Evidence Review Brief and Full Report

Safe Sleep is one of fifteen MCH National Performance Measures (NPMs) for the State Title V Block Grant program. The goal is to increase the number of infants placed to sleep on their backs. Infant sleep position is a serious public health concern as it is strongly related to sudden unexpected infant death (SUID), including […]

Resource: Early Childhood Developmental Screening and Title V–Building Better Systems Issue Brief

This issue brief provides insight into the Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant developmental screening activities across the country. It aims to inform public health professionals, partners and stakeholders of different developmental screening-related strategies that could be applied in communities, and to provide connections to states highlighted for their work on this topic. […]

Resource: Communicating the Value of Developmental Screening Learning Module

The purpose of this learning module from the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP) is to build the capacity of Title V leaders and other health professionals to articulate the value of developmental screening with various stakeholders and to identify the role of Title V programs in building and improving developmental screening systems. This […]

Infographic: Child Health Day

Child Health Day is celebrated on the first Monday of October. For more info on National Child Health Day, including a video message from Dr. Michael C. Lu (Associate Administrator for Maternal and Child Health) and interviews with families benefiting from Title V programs, the below infographic highlighting the national impact of Title V programs, a link to the […]